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Koudelka's Guild Wars Skills

Custom Skill Designs for Guild Wars. Select a profession to see all of their new skills.











PvE-Only Cross-Profession Elites

IconNameProfessionAttributeTypeCostActivation TimeRechargeDescription
Eclipse FormAssassin+DervishCross-ProfessionElite Flash Enchantment Spell3 1 For 3...35...40 seconds, enemy spells cast on you fail. This enchantment ends after preventing 0...7...8 spells. (Shadow Arts + Earth Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Dawn-Tipped ArrowsDervish+RangerCross-ProfessionElite Preparation5 2 24 For 5...30...33 seconds, your attack speed while using a bow cannot be reduced by hostile effects. Your bow attacks deal holy damage, strike for an additional +3...18...21 damage, and set foes casting spells on fire for 0...3...3 seconds. (Marksmanship + Scythe Mastery) (PvE-Only)
Polar PrisonRanger+ElementalistCross-ProfessionElite Hex Spell5 1 15 For 3...8...10 seconds, target foe and all nearby foes move 90% slower. Apply Cracked Armour for 3...9...11 seconds. (Water Magic + Wilderness Survival) (PvE-Only)
Toxic RainElementalist+NecromancerCross-ProfessionElite Spell25 2 10 Create Toxic Rain at target foe's location for 2...8...10 seconds. Each second, all foes in the area lose 0...29...33 health and are poisoned for 0...7...8 seconds. (Water Magic + Death Magic) (PvE-Only)
Empathic SadismNecromancer+MesmerCross-ProfessionElite Hex Spell15 1 5 For 15 seconds, every time target foe successfully uses a skill, you steal 5...25...30 Health and 1..3...4 Energy from that foe and all adjacent foes. (Curses + Inspiration Magic). (PvE-Only)
Phantom BasherMesmer+WarriorCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell5 1/4 5 Summon a level 5...18...21 Phantom Basher which deals 12...43...46 crushing damage with its attacks and has a 50% chance of knocking enemies down. (Illusion Magic + Hammer Mastery) (PvE-Only)
Koudelka's KindjalWarrior+RitualistCross-ProfessionElite Artifact Signet1 60 Your weapon is replaced by the sword Koudelka's Kindjal, which scales in damage with your Swordsmanship Attribute. Every time you use a sword attack skill, you create a Spirit Rift at the foe's location. After 3 seconds, all adjacent foes take 20...70...79 lightning damage and suffer from Cracked Armour for 3...8...9 seconds. This effect ends if you swap weapons. (Swordsmanship + Channelling) (PvE-Only)
Spirit of ConcordanceRitualist+MonkCross-ProfessionElite Binding Ritual5 1 20 Create a level 1...18...20 Concordance Spirit which lives for 20...35...40 seconds. Every 5 seconds, if a party member has died, that party member is resurrected at Concordance Spirit's location with 50% of the spirit's current Health and 1...50...55% Energy, and the spirit loses 50% of its maximum health. (Restoration + Healing Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Sanctified ArrowsMonk+RangerCross-ProfessionElite Preparation5 2 24 For 12...28...32 seconds, your bow attacks deal holy damage and cannot be blocked. Your bow attack skills remove 0...1...2 conditions and 0...1...1 hexes from yourself. (Marksmanship + Smiting Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Glory of the HuntRanger+ParagonCross-ProfessionElite Echo5 2 20 For 5...27...30 seconds, targets that you and your pet are attacking are marked. You, your pet and any other allies who successfully hit foes targeted by you and your pet in this way gain +8...18...20 Health and 1...3...3 Energy. (Beast Mastery + Motivation) (PvE-Only)
"I am Irresistable!"Paragon+MesmerCross-ProfessionElite Shout5 15 For 1...9...11 seconds, every time you are the target of a skill, both you and the ally or foe using the skill on you gain 1...5...6 Energy. (Command + Inspiration Magic) (PvE-Only)
Greater ConfluxMesmer+ElementalistCross-ProfessionElite Ward Spell25 1 20 Create a ward that is 10...60...70 feet wide and lasts for 30 seconds. Non-spirit allies in range gain +0...+4...+5 Energy regeneration. (Earth Magic + Inspiration Magic) (PvE-Only)
Obsidian SteelElementalist+WarriorCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell5 2 5 For 5...55...60 seconds, target ally is enchanted with Obsidian Steel. Their attacks deal an extra +5...20...23 armour-ignoring earth damage and blind foes for 0...5...6 seconds. (Swordsmanship + Earth Magic) (PvE-Only)
Shadow StrongholdWarrior+AssassinCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell10 1 30 For 3...40...45 seconds, you cannot be targeted by enemy spells and you gain +0...10...12 damage reduction. You move 50% more slowly. (Tactics + Shadow Arts) (PvE-Only)
Spirit ShanksAssassin+RitualistCross-ProfessionElite Dual Attack5 1 5 If this attack hits, deal an additional +5...40...45 lightning damage to that foe and up to 0...3...4 adjacent foes and set them on fire for 1...3...3 seconds. This attack cannot be blocked if you are under the effects of a Weapon Spell. (Channelling + Dagger Mastery) (PvE-Only)
Spiteful was SariahRitualist+DervishCross-ProfessionElite Item Spell5 3/4 20 Hold Sariah's ashes for 5...55...59 seconds. You can no longer cast spells on allies, and allies can no longer cast spells on you. Instead, you gain +1 Health and +1 Energy regeneration and your spells have an additional +10...55...60% armour penetration. (Wind Prayers + Channelling) (PvE-Only)
Eremitical HealingDervish+MonkCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell5 1 7 Heal all party members for 10...70...80 health. Party members healed in this way move 33% faster for 3...14...15 seconds. (Healing Prayers + Wind Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Order of the White DragonMonk+AssassinCross-ProfessionElite Stance5 30 For 7...37...40 seconds, you cannot use attack skills, but while using daggers, you move and attack 33% faster, your attacks deal holy damage, have +0...30...35% armour penetration, and the duration of hexes and conditions on you are reduced by 5...35...40%. (Dagger Mastery + Smiting Prayers) (PvE-Only)
"Murder as One!"Assassin+RangerCross-ProfessionElite Shout10 15 For 5...34...36 seconds, you and your pet attack 33% faster. Your pet's attacks are +15...80...85% more likely to be critical hits. You gain 1...3...3 Energy every time your pet lands a critical hit. (Beast Mastery + Deadly Arts) (PvE-Only)
Mating SeasonRanger+MesmerCross-ProfessionElite Nature Ritual5 3 10 Create a level 5...15....16 spirit of Mating Season which lives for 20...100...105 seconds. Every time a non-spirit creature in range attacks or uses a skill against a foe, they steal 1...3...4 Energy from that foe. (Wilderness Survival + Domination Magic) (PvE-Only)
AerokinesisMesmer+DervishCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell10 1 15 For 3...9...10 seconds, the next 3...10...11 times you cast a spell or use an attack skill against a foe, that foe is forcibly Shadow Stepped to a random nearby location. (Illusion Magic + Wind Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Song of the PantheonDervish+ParagonCross-ProfessionElite Echo5 1 10 For 5...22...24 seconds, target ally's spells cannot be interrupted, their attacks cannot miss, and they cannot be knocked down. This echo ends after preventing 1...5...6 interrupts, attacks missing, or knockdowns. (Motivation + Earth Prayers) (PvE-Only)
GhostglaiveParagon+RitualistCross-ProfessionElite Weapon Spell5 1/4 20 For 10...29...33 seconds, your attacks with a spear are 0...30...33% faster, your spear moves twice as quickly, and your attacks cannot be blocked. (Channelling + Spear Mastery) (PvE-Only)
Phantom ThiefRitualist+MesmerCross-ProfessionElite Hex Spell10 1 20 For 1...15...16 seconds, target foe suffers from -1...5...6 Energy degeneration, which you gain as Energy regeneration. This hex ends if the foe's Energy reaches zero. (Communing + Illusion Magic) (PvE-Only)
Mental OublietteMesmer+AssassinCross-ProfessionElite Hex Spell5 3/4 15 For 8...17...20 seconds, every time target foe casts a spell, that foe is knocked down and you gain 3...5...6 Energy. (Deadly Arts + Domination) (PvE-Only)
Umbran GlyphAssassin+ElementalistCross-ProfessionElite Glyph5 1/4 1 The next 2...5...6 spells you cast against a foe Shadow Step you to that foe. Apply Blindness and Cracked Armour on that target for 5...12...15 seconds. The spell cast counts as an Offhand Attack. (Shadow Arts + Air Magic) (PvE-Only)
ConversionElementalist+MonkCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell25 1 1 10 While you maintain this enchantment, spells you cast which target a foe activate and recharge 1...9...10% faster, and 30...95...100% of the fire damage you deal is converted to holy damage. This conversion takes place before armour consideration. (Smiting Prayers + Fire Magic) (PvE-Only)
Dwayna's RefrainMonk+ParagonCross-ProfessionElite Echo5 1 10 For 10...20...25 seconds, a hex and a condition are removed from target ally once every 20...11...10 seconds. Dwayna's Refrain is renewed every time a shout or chant ends on that ally. (Motivation + Healing Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Exemplar's PostureParagon+WarriorCross-ProfessionElite Stance1 10 For 5...48...50 seconds, you move and attack 10...33...33% faster. Hostile effects which reduce your chance to hit with attacks are 25...70...75% less effective. (Tactics, Command) (PvE-Only)
Blade of BloodWarrior+NecromancerCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell5% 1/4 1 For 5...40...44 seconds, your sword attacks steal 1...15...16 health. You gain an additional 1...15...16 health with every successful attack. You gain adrenaline 100% faster. (Blood Magic + Swordsmanship) (PvE-Only)
"Bathe in their Blood!"Necromancer+ParagonCross-ProfessionElite Shout5 20 For 13 seconds, the attacks of all allies in earshot inflict bleeding for 1...8...9 seconds and do an extra +3...18...20 damage against bleeding foes. (Blood Magic + Command) (PvE-Only)
Death ChantParagon+AssassinCross-ProfessionElite Chant5 1 10 For 10 seconds, the next attack skill used by party members in range is +0...98...100% more likely to be a critical hit, cannot miss, and deals an extra +5...25...30 damage. If any party members deal fatal damage with the affected attack skill, all of their attack skills are recharged. (Deadly Arts + Command) (PvE-Only)
Mark of MurderAssassin+NecromancerCross-ProfessionElite Hex Spell5 1/4 10 Shadow Step to target foe. For 0...7...9 seconds, this foe cannot block, moves 50% slower, suffers -5...10...12 armour and receives -5...30...35% less benefit from healing. This counts as an offhand attack. (Deadly Arts + Death Magic) (PvE-Only)
Extinction EventNecromancer+RangerCross-ProfessionElite Nature Ritual5 3 20 Create a level 1...9...10 Extinction Event Spirit which lives for 10...50...55 seconds. Every time a creature in range dies, all adjacent creatures lose 0...3...3% of their current health. (Wilderness Survival + Death Magic) (PvE-Only)
Spirits of the WoodRanger+RitualistCross-ProfessionElite Spell5 1 3 If cast on a living ally, that ally is healed for 40...140...150 health and is cured of a condition. If cast on a dead party member, that party member is resurrected with 1...15...20% Health and 1...15...20% Energy, and this spell is disabled for 10 seconds. (Restoration + Wilderness Survival) (PvE-Only)
TwilightningRitualist+ElementalistCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell10 1 20 For 5...65...70 seconds, you are enchanted with Twilightning. Every 2 seconds, a random foe in earshot is struck for a random amount of lightning damage between 5...20...25 and 10...77...82 damage. This spell has 25% armour penetration. (Air Magic + Channelling) (PvE-Only)
StormmasterElementalist+DervishCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell10 5 1/4 20 For 1...28...33 seconds, spells you cast which deal either lightning or cold damage create a Storm at the target's location. The Storm lasts for 2 seconds per every 5 points of the spell's base Energy cost and strikes all nearby foes for 5...25...30 cold damage per second. (Wind Prayers + Air Magic) (PvE-Only)
Avatar of the NightDervish+NecromancerCross-ProfessionElite Form5 2 20 For 3...85...90 seconds, the limit on the number of undead minions you can control is increased by 2...6...7. (Wind Prayers + Death Magic) (PvE-Only)
Animate Bone PriestNecromancer+MonkCross-ProfessionElite Spell15 3 20 Exploit the nearest corpse to animate a level 1...23...24 Bone Priest which has access to 1...8...8 Protection Prayers spells. You may only control one Bone Priest at a time. (Death Magic + Protection Prayers). (PvE-Only)
Fading JusticeMonk+WarriorCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell1 3/4 10 For 10...45...49 seconds, while you are wielding a sword and no shield or other offhand item, you are immune to blindness, and every time you hit a foe with a sword, you deal an additional +5...33...37 holy damage for every hex spell that foe has equipped. (Max: 100) (Swordsmanship + Smiting Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Huntsman's AxeWarrior+RangerCross-ProfessionElite Axe Attack5 4 Strike target foe for an additional 8...26...29 damage. If that foe was suffering from a condition, inflict Deep Wound and Poison for 1...9...11 seconds. This attack has an additional 20% armour penetration. (Axe Mastery + Wilderness Survival) (PvE-Only)
Whirling CleaveDervish+WarriorCross-ProfessionElite Melee Attack3 1 Strike all adjacent foes for +3...18...21 damage. Foes struck in this way suffer from Deep Wound for 3...12...14 seconds. (Scythe Mastery + Axe Mastery) (PvE-Only)
Condemn SoulNecromancer+RitualistCross-ProfessionElite Hex Spell10 1 20 For 1...8...10 seconds, target foe loses 1...4...5% of their current health every second. This hex can only target fleshy foes. (Curses + Communing) (PvE-Only)
Mantra of PurityMesmer+MonkCross-ProfessionElite Enchantment Spell5 1 12 For 50...12...7 seconds, this enchantment does nothing. When Mantra of Purity ends, you and all adjacent allies are healed for 30...90...110 Health, gain 0...6...7 Energy and are cured of 0...3...3 hexes and 0...3...3 conditions. (Inspiration Magic + Healing Prayers) (PvE-Only)
Trident of Zhu HanakuElementalist+ParagonCross-ProfessionElite Spear Attack4 3 Strike target foe for an additional +5...26...30 cold damage and interrupt them. Foes casting spells interrupted in this way are knocked down. This attack also strikes up to 1...4...5 extra adjacent foes. (Spear Mastery + Water Magic) (PvE-Only)